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Light People: Professor Manijeh Razeghi
Light People: Professor Manijeh Razeghi
Hui Wang, and Cun Yu
Light Sci Appl 13, 164
Editorial The sense of light is the first sensation the human body develops. The importance of light is self-evident. However, we all know that the light we can see and perceive covers only a small section of the spectrum. Today, for Light People, we feature a researcher who is committed to exploring different spectral bands of light ranging from deep ultraviolet to terahertz waves and working on quantum semiconductor technology, Prof. Manijeh Razeghi of the Northwestern University in the United States. Known for her quick thinking and witty remarks, Prof. Razeghi is passionate about life and always kind to others. As a scientist, she does not limit her research to a single focus, instead, she works on the entire process from material selection, device design, processing, and manufacturing, all the way to product application. She has a strong passion for education, a commitment unwavered by fame or fortune. For her students, she is both a reliable source of knowledge and a motherly figure with a caring heart. She firmly believes that all things in nature can give her energy and inspiration. In science, she is a true “pioneer” in research and a “miner” of scientific discoveries. She advises young scientists to enjoy and love what they do, and turn their research into their hobby. As a female scientist, she calls on all women to realize their true value and potential. Next, let’s hear from Professor Manijeh Razeghi, a true star who radiates energy and light reprint
Combined resonant tunneling and rate equation modeling of  terahertz quantum cascade lasers
Combined resonant tunneling and rate equation modeling of terahertz quantum cascade lasers
Zhichao Chen , Andong Liu, Dong Chang , Sukhdeep Dhillon , Manijeh Razeghi , Feihu Wang
Journal of Applied Physics, 135, 115703
Terahertz (THz) quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are technologically important laser sources for the THz range but are complex to model. An efficient extended rate equation model is developed here by incorporating the resonant tunneling mechanism from the density matrix formalism, which permits to simulate THz QCLs with thick carrier injection barriers within the semi-classical formalism. A self-consistent solution is obtained by iteratively solving the Schrödinger-Poisson equation with this transport model. Carrier-light coupling is also included to simulate the current behavior arising from stimulated emission. As a quasi-ab initio model, intermediate parameters such as pure dephasing time and optical linewidth are dynamically calculated in the convergence process, and the only fitting parameters are the interface roughness correlation length and height. Good agreement has been achieved by comparing the simulation results of various designs with experiments, and other models such as density matrix Monte Carlo and non-equilibrium Green’s function method that, unlike here, require important computational resources. The accuracy, compatibility, and computational efficiency of our model enables many application scenarios, such as design optimization and quantitative insights into THz QCLs. Finally, the source code of the model is also provided in the supplementary material of this article for readers to repeat the results presented here, investigate and optimize new designs. reprint
Ultrafast Pulse Generation from Quantum Cascade Lasers
Ultrafast Pulse Generation from Quantum Cascade Lasers
Feihu Wang, Xiaoqiong Qi, Zhichao Chen, Manijeh Razeghi, and Sukhdeep Dhillon
Wang, F.; Qi, X.; Chen, Z.; Razeghi, M.; Dhillon, S. Ultrafast Pulse Generation from Quantum Cascade Lasers. Micromachines 2022, 13, 2063. mi13122063
Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have broken the spectral barriers of semiconductor lasers and enabled a range of applications in the mid-infrared (MIR) and terahertz (THz) regimes. However, until recently, generating ultrashort and intense pulses from QCLs has been difficult. This would be useful to study ultrafast processes in MIR and THz using the targeted wavelength-by-design properties of QCLs. Since the first demonstration in 2009, mode-locking of QCLs has undergone considerable development in the past decade, which includes revealing the underlying mechanism of pulse formation, the development of an ultrafast THz detection technique, and the invention of novel pulse compression technology, etc. Here, we review the history and recent progress of ultrafast pulse generation from QCLs in both the THz and MIR regimes. reprint
High-brightness LWIR quantum cascade lasers
High-brightness LWIR quantum cascade lasers
F. Wang, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi
Optics Letters, vol. 46, No. 20, 5193
Long-wave infrared (LWIR, lambda~8-12 um) quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are drawing increasing interest, as they provide the possibility of long-distance transmission of light through the atmosphere owing to the reduced water absorption. However, their development has been lagging behind the shorter wavelength QCLs due to much bigger technological challenges. In this Letter, through band structure engineering based on a highly localized diagonal laser transition strategy and out-coupler design using an electrically isolated taper structure, we demonstrate high beam quality single-mode LWIR QCLs with high-brightness (2.0 MW cm-2 sr-1 for lambda~10 um, 2.2 MW cm-2 sr-1 for lambda~9 um, 5.0 MW cm-2 sr-1 for lambda~8 um) light extraction from a single facet in continuous-wave operation at 15 oC. These results mark an important milestone in exploring the lighting capability of inter-sub-band semiconductor lasers in the LWIR spectral range. reprint
Harmonic injection locking of high-power mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
Harmonic injection locking of high-power mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
Feihu Wang, Steven Slivken, and Manijeh Razeghi
OSA Photonics Research •
High-power, high-speed quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) with stable emission in the mid-infrared regime are of great importance for applications in metrology, telecommunication, and fundamental tests of physics. Owing to the inter-sub-band transition, the unique ultrafast gain recovery time of the QCL with picosecond dynamics is expected to overcome the modulation limit of classical semiconductor lasers and bring a revolution for the next generation of ultrahigh-speed optical communication. Therefore, harmonic injection locking, offering the possibility to fast modulate and greatly stabilize the laser emission beyond the rate limited by cavity length, is inherently adapted to QCLs. In this work, we demonstrate for the first time the harmonic injection locking of a mid-infrared QCL with an output power over 1 watt in continuous-wave operation at 288 K. Compared with an unlocked laser, the inter-mode spacing fluctuation of an injection locked QCL can be considerably reduced by a factor above 1×10 E3, which permits the realization of an ultra-stable mid-infrared semiconductor laser with high phase coherence and frequency purity. Despite temperature change, this fluctuation can be still stabilized to hertz level by a microwave modulation up to ∼18 GHz. These results open up the prospect of the applications of mid-infrared QCL technology for frequency comb engineering, metrology and the next generation ultrahigh-speed telecommunication. It may also stimulate new schemes for exploring ultrafast mid-infrared pulse generation in QCLs. reprint
Room temperature quantum cascade laser with ∼ 31% wall-plug efficiency
Room temperature quantum cascade laser with ∼ 31% wall-plug efficiency
F. Wang, S. Slivken, D. H. Wu, and M. Razeghi
AIP Advances 10, 075012-- July 14, 2020
In this article, we report the demonstration of a quantum cascade laser emitting at λ ≈ 4.9 μm with a wall-plug efficiency of ∼31% and an output power of ∼23 W in pulsed operation at room temperature with 50 cascade stages (Ns). With proper fabrication and packaging, this buried ridge quantum cascade laser with a cavity length of 5 mm delivers more than ∼15 W output power, and its wall-plug efficiency exceeds ∼20% at 100 °C. The experimental results of the lasers are well in agreement with the numerical predictions. reprint
Room temperature quantum cascade lasers with 22% wall plug efficiency in continuous-wave operation
Room temperature quantum cascade lasers with 22% wall plug efficiency in continuous-wave operation
F. Wang, S. Slivken, D. H. Wu, and M. Razeghi
Optics Express Vol. 28, Issue 12, pp. 17532-17538-- June 8, 2020
We report the demonstration of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) with improved efficiency emitting at a wavelength of 4.9 µm in pulsed and continuous-wave(CW)operation. Based on an established design and guided by simulation, the number of QCL-emitting stages is increased in order to realize a 29.3% wall plug efficiency (WPE) in pulsed operation at room temperature. With proper fabrication and packaging, a 5-mm-long, 8-µm-wide QCL with a buried ridge waveguide is capable of 22% CW WPE and 5.6 W CW output power at room temperature. This corresponds to an extremely high optical density at the output facet of ∼35 MW/cm², without any damage. reprint
Continuous wave quantum cascade lasers with 5.6 W output power at room temperature and 41% wall-plug efficiency in cryogenic operation
Continuous wave quantum cascade lasers with 5.6 W output power at room temperature and 41% wall-plug efficiency in cryogenic operation
F. Wang, S. Slivken, D. H. Wu, Q. Y. Lu, and M. Razeghi
AIP Advances 10, 055120-- May 19, 2020
In this paper, we report a post-polishing technique to achieve nearly complete surface planarization for the buried ridge regrowth processing of quantum cascade lasers. The planarized device geometry improves the thermal conduction and reliability and, most importantly, enhances the power and efficiency in continuous wave operation. With this technique, we demonstrate a high continuous wave wall-plug efficiency of an InP-based quantum cascade laser reaching ∼41% with an output power of ∼12 W from a single facet operating at liquid nitrogen temperature. At room temperature, the continuous wave output power exceeds the previous record, reaching ∼5.6 W. reprint
Room temperature continuous wave THz frequency comb based on quantum cascade lasers
Room temperature continuous wave THz frequency comb based on quantum cascade lasers
M. Razeghi; Q. Y. Lu; F. H. Wang; D. H. Wu; S. Slivken
Proc. SPIE 11124, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications X, 1112407-- September 6, 2019
Frequency combs, spectra of phase-coherent equidistant lines, have revolutionized time and frequency metrology. The recently developed quantum cascade laser (QCL) comb has exhibits great potential with high power and broadband spectrum. However, in the terahertz (THz) range, cryogenic cooling has to be applied for THz QCL combs. We report a room temperature THz frequency comb at 3.0 THz based on difference-frequency generation from a mid-IR QCL comb. A largely detuned distributed-feedback grating is integrated into the QCL cavity to provide the single mode operation as well as enhanced spatial hole-burning effect for multimode comb operation. Multiheterodyne spectroscopy with multiple equally spaced lines by beating it with a reference Fabry-Pérot comb confirms the THz comb operation. This type of THz comb provides a new solution to chip-based high-speed high-resolution THz spectroscopy with compact size at room temperature. reprint
Room temperature terahertz semiconductor frequency comb
Room temperature terahertz semiconductor frequency comb
Quanyong Lu, Feihu Wang, Donghai Wu, Steven Slivken & Manijeh Razeghi
Nature Communications 10, 2403-- June 3, 2019
A terahertz (THz) frequency comb capable of high-resolution measurement will significantly advance THz technology application in spectroscopy, metrology and sensing. The recently developed cryogenic-cooled THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) comb has exhibited great potentials with high power and broadband spectrum. Here, we report a room temperature THz harmonic frequency comb in 2.2 to 3.3 THz based on difference-frequency generation from a mid-IR QCL. The THz comb is intracavity generated via down-converting a mid-IR comb with an integrated mid-IR single mode based on distributed-feedback grating without using external optical elements. The grating Bragg wavelength is largely detuned from the gain peak to suppress the grating dispersion and support the comb operation in the high gain spectral range. Multiheterodyne spectroscopy with multiple equally spaced lines by beating it with a reference Fabry-Pérot comb confirms the THz comb operation. This type of THz comb will find applications to room temperature chip-based THz spectroscopy. reprint
Photoluminescence linewidth narrowing in Yb-doped GaN and InGaN thin films
Photoluminescence linewidth narrowing in Yb-doped GaN and InGaN thin films
K. Dasari, J. Wang, W.M. Jadwisienczak, V. Dierolf, M. Razeghi, R. Palai
Journal of Luminescence Volume 209, May 2019, Pages 237-243-- January 14, 2019
We report on photoluminescence (PL) properties of GaN, GaN:Yb, InGaN, and InGaN:Yb thin films grown on (0001) sapphire substrates by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). X-ray diffraction pattern of the films confirms c-axis oriented growth. The concentration of Yb and In was obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and was found to be 5 (+/- 0.5) at.% and 30 (+/- 1.5) at.%, respectively. The GaN:Yb and InGaN:Yb thin films show a significant linewidth narrowing in PL spectra compared to GaN and InGaN thin films. This could be attributed to the reduction of the defect related non-radiative recombination paths and suppression of the structural defects and dislocations because of the in situ rare earth (Yb)-doping during the growth. The temperature dependent photoluminescence of GaN:Yb thin film follows the Varshni model, whereas InGaN:Yb film shows a complex S-shaped like behavior, which can be explained by the localization effect using the Band-Tail model. reprint
12.  Comparison of Gain and Threshold Current Density for InGaAsP/GaAs λ = 808 nm) Lasers with Different Quantum-Well Thickness
H.J. Yi, J. Diaz, I. Eliashevich, G. Lukas, S. Kim, D. Wu, M. Erdtmann, C. Jelen, S. Slivken, L.J. Wang, and M. Razeghi
Journal of Applied Physics 79 (11)-- July 1, 1996
We investigated the quantum‐size effects of quantum well (QW) on gain and threshold current density for InGaAsP/GaAs (λ=808 nm) laser diodes. In this work, a comparison is made of lasers with different QW thickness while keeping the optical confinement factors constant. We found that the threshold current density and differential efficiency were not affected by narrowing the QW thickness. The theoretical model taking into account the mixing of the valence bands and momentum relaxation for InGaAsP/GaAs lasers with spontaneous emission (optically pumped) measurement shows that the absence of difference between these structures can be attributed to the high relaxation rate. reprint
13.  Growth of AlxGa1-xN:Ge on sapphire and silicon substrates
X. Zhang, P. Kung, A. Saxler, D. Walker, T.C. Wang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 67 (12)-- September 18, 1995
AlxGa1–xN were grown on (00.1) sapphire and (111) silicon substrates in the whole composition range (0 <= x <= 1). The high optical quality of the epilayers was assessed by room-temperature optical absorption and photoluminescence measurements. Layers with higher Al composition are more resistive. Resistive AlxGa1–xN epilayers were successfully doped with Ge and free-electron concentration as high as 3 × 1019 cm–3 was achieved. reprint
14.  Optimized structure for InGaAsP/GaAs 808nm high power lasers
H. Yi, J. Diaz, L.J. Wang, I. Eliashevich, S. Kim, R. Williams, M. Erdtmann, X. He, E. Kolev and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 66 (24)-- June 12, 1995
The optimized structure for the InGaAsP/GaAs quaternary material lasers (λ=0.808 μm) is investigated for the most efficient high‐power operation through an experiment and theoretical study. A comparative study is performed of threshold current density Jth and differential efficiency ηd dependence on cavity length (L) for two different laser structures with different active layer thickness (150 and 300 Å) as well as for laser structures with different multiple quantum well structures. A theoretical model with a more accurate formulation for minority leakage phenomenon provides explanation for the experimental results and sets general optimization rules for other lasers with similar restrictions on the band gap and refractive index difference between the active layer and the cladding layers. reprint
15.  Reliability of Aluminum-Free 808 nm High-Power Laser Diodes with Uncoated Mirrors
I. Eliashevich, J. Diaz, H. Yi, L. Wang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 66 (23)-- June 5, 1995
The reliability of uncoated InGaAsP/GaAs high‐power diode lasers emitting at 808 nm wavelength has been studied. 47 W of quasicontinuous wave output power (pulse width 200 μs, frequency 20 Hz) have been obtained from a 1 cm wide laser bar. A single‐stripe diode without mirror coating has been life tested at 40 °C for emitting power of 800 mW continuous wave (cw) and showed no noticeable degradation and no change of the lasing wavelength after 6000 h of operation. reprint
16.  High quality AlN and GaN epilayers grown on (00*1) sapphire, (100) and (111) silicon substrates
P. Kung, A. Saxler, X. Zhang, D. Walker, T.C. Wang, I. Ferguson, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 66 (22)-- May 29, 1995
The growth of high quality AlN and GaN thin films on basal plane sapphire, (100), and (111) silicon substrates is reported using low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. X-ray rocking curve linewidths of about 100 and 30 arcsec were obtained for AlN and GaN on sapphire, respectively. Room‐temperature optical transmission and photoluminescence (of GaN) measurements confirmed the high quality of the films. The luminescence at 300 and 77 K of the GaN films grown on basal plane sapphire, (100), and (111) silicon was compared. reprint
17.  Photoluminescence study of GaN
X. Zhang, P. Kung, A. Saxler, D. Walker, T. Wang, and M. Razeghi
Acta Physica Polonica A 88 (4)-- May 29, 1995
18.  High Power Aluminum-free InGaAsP/GaAs Pumping Diode Lasers
M. Razeghi, I. Eliashevich, J. Diaz, H.J. Yi, S. Kim, M. Erdtmann, D. Wu, and L.J. Wang
Materials Science and Engineering B 35-- May 8, 1995
19.  Investigation of 0.8 μm InGaAsP-GaAs laser diodes with Multiple Quantum Wells
J. Diaz, H. Yi, S. Kim, M. Erdtmann, L.J. Wang, I. Eliashevich, E. Bigan and M. Razeghi
Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Materials, Physics and Devices, SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA; Proceedings, Vol. 2397-- February 6, 1995
In this paper, we studied the effects of the active region structure (one, two and three quantum wells with same total thickness) for high-power InGaAsP-GaAs separate confinement heterostructure lasers emitting at 0.8 μm wavelength. Experimental results for the lasers grown by low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition show excellent agreement with the theoretical model. Total output power of 47 W from an uncoated 1 cm-wide laser bar was achieved in quasi-continuous wave operation reprint
20.  Temperature dependence of threshold current density Jth and differential efficiency of High Power InGaAsP/GaAs ( λ = 0.8 μm) lasers
H. Yi, J. Diaz, I. Eliashevich, M. Stanton, M. Erdtmann, X. He, L. Wang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 66 (3)-- January 16, 1995
An experimental and theoretical study on temperature dependence of the threshold current density Jth and differential efficiency ηd for the InGaAsP/GaAs laser diodes emitting at λ=0.8 μm was performed. Threshold current density Jth increases and differential efficiency ηd decreases as temperature is increased mainly because of thermal broadening of the gain spectrum. However, the measured temperature dependence of Jth and ηd could not be explained when only this effect was considered. In this letter, the temperature dependence of momentum relaxation rate ℏ/τ of carriers was investigated by performing the photoluminescence study. At high temperature, increase of the momentum relaxation rate ℏ/τ leads to reduction of the gain and mobility and increase of the optical loss, causing higher Jth and lower ηd as experimentally observed. The resulting theoretical model provides a good explanation for the mechanism of the increase of Jth and decrease of ηd. reprint
21.  Theoretical Investigation of Jth and hd vs. Cavity Length for InGaAsP/GaAs High Power Lasers
H.J. Yi, I. Eliashevich, J. Diaz, L.J. Wang, and M. Razeghi
IEEE/LEOS Photonics East Conference, Boston, MA; Proceedings, Vol. 2, SL 13.4-- October 31, 1994
22.  Optimization of InGaAsP/GaAs Laser Diode Processing for High-Power Operation
J. Diaz, I. Eliashevich, H.J. Yi, L.J. Wang, and M. Razeghi
IEEE/LEOS Photonics East Conference, Boston, MA; Proceedings, Vol. 2, SL 13.3-- October 31, 1994
23.  High-power InGaAsP/GaAs 0.8 μm laser diodes and peculiarities of operational characteristics
J. Diaz, I. Eliashevich, X. He, H. Yi, L. Wang, E. Kolev, D. Garbuzov, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 65 (8)-- August 22, 1994
High-power operation of 3 W in pulse mode, 750 mW in quasi-continuous wave and 650 mW in continuous wave per uncoated facet from 100 μm aperture has been demonstrated for 1 mm long cavity InGaAsP/GaAs 808 nm laser diodes prepared by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Threshold current density of 300 A/cm², differential efficiency of 1.1 W/A, T0=155 °C, transverse beam divergence of 27°, and less than 2 nm linewidth at 808 nm have been measured. No degradation has been observed after 1000 h of operation in a quasi-continuous wave regime. reprint
24.  InGaP/InGaAsP/GaAs 0.808 μm separate confinement laser diodes grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
J. Diaz, I. Eliashevich, K. Mobarhan, L.J. Wang, D.Z. Garbuzov, and M. Razeghi
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 6 (2)-- February 1, 1994

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