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2. | Active and passive infrared imager based on short-wave and mid-wave type-II superlattice dual-band detectors E.K. Huang, A. Haddadi, G. Chen, A.M. Hoang, and M. Razeghi Optics Letters, Vol. 38, no. 1, p. 22-24-- January 1, 2013 ...[Visit Journal] A versatile dual-band detector capable of active and passive use is demonstrated using short-wave (SW) and midwave(MW) IR type-II superlattice photodiodes. A bilayer etch-stop scheme is introduced for back-side-illuminated detectors, which enhanced the external quantum efficiency both in the SWIR and MWIR spectral regions. Temperature-dependent dark current measurements of pixel-sized 27 μm detectors found the dark current density
to be ~1 × 10-5 A/cm² for the ∼4.2 μm cutoff MWIR channel at 140 K. This corresponded to a reasonable imager noise equivalent difference in temperature of ∼49 mK using F∕2.3 optics and a 10 ms integration time (tint), which lowered to ∼13 mK at 110 K using tint 30 ms, illustrating the potential for high-temperature operation. The SWIR channel was found to be limited by readout noise below 150 K. Excellent imagery from the dual-band imager exemplifying pixel coincidence is shown. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Band edge tunability of M-structure for heterojunction design in Sb based Type-II superlattice photodiodes B.M. Nguyen, D. Hoffman, P.Y. Delaunay, E.K. Huang, M. Razeghi, and J. Pellegrino Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, No. 16, p. 163502-1-- October 20, 2008 ...[Visit Journal] We present theoretically and experimentally the effect of the band discontinuity in Type-II misaligned InAs/GaSb superlattice heterodiodes. Calculations using the empirical tight binding method have shown the great flexibility in tuning the energy levels of the band edge in M-structure superlattice as compared to the standard InAs/GaSb superlattice. Through the experimental realization of several p-pi-M-n photodiodes, the band discontinuity alignment between the standard binary-binary superlattice and the M-structured superlattice was investigated via optical characterization. The agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental measurement confirms the capability of controlling the M-structure band edges and suggests a way to exploit this advantage for the realization of heterostructures containing an M-structured superlattice without bias dependent operation. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Inductively coupled plasma etching and processing techniques for type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices infrared detectors toward high fill factor focal plane arrays E.K. Huang, B.M. Nguyen, D. Hoffman, P.Y. Delaunay and M. Razeghi SPIE Proceedings, San Jose, CA Volume 7222-0Z-- January 26, 2009 ...[Visit Journal] A challenge for Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice (T2SL) photodetectors is to achieve high fill factor, high aspect ratio etching for third generation focal plane arrays (FPAs). Initially, we compare the morphological and electrical results of single element T2SL photodiodes after BCl3/Ar inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) dry etching. Using a Si3N4 hard mask, ICP-etched structures exemplify greater sidewall verticality and smoothness, which are essential toward the realization of high fill factor FPAs. ICP-etched single element devices with SiO2 passivation that are 9.3 µm in cutoff wavelength achieved vertical sidewalls of 7.7 µm in depth with a resistance area product at zero bias of greater than 1,000 Ω·cm2 and maximum differential resistance in excess of 10,000 Ω·cm2 at 77 K. By only modifying the etching technique in the fabrication steps, the ICP-etched photodiodes showed an order of magnitude decrease in their dark current densities in comparison to the ECR-etched devices. Finally, high aspect ratio etching is demonstrated on mutli-element arrays with 3 µm-wide trenches that are 11 µm deep. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of High Quality InSb for p-i-n Photodetectors G. Singh, E. Michel, C. Jelen, S. Slivken, J. Xu, P. Bove, I. Ferguson, and M. Razeghi Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 13 (2)-- March 1, 1995 ...[Visit Journal] The InSb infrared photodetectors grown heteroepitaxially on Si substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are reported. Excellent InSb material quality is obtained on 3-inch Si substrates (with a GaAs predeposition) as confirmed by structural, optical, and electrical analysis. InSb infrared photodetectors on Si substrates that can operate from 77 K to room temperature have been demonstrated. The peak voltage-responsitivity at 4 μm is about 1.0×103 V/W and the corresponding Johnson-noise-limited detectivity is calculated to be 2.8×1010 cm·Hz½/W. This is the first important stage in developing InSb detector arrays or monolithic focal plane arrays (FPAs) on silicon. The development of this technology could provide a challenge to traditional hybrid FPA's in the future. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Molecular beam epitaxial growth of InSb p-i-n photodetectors on GaAs and Si E. Michel, R. Peters, S. Slivken, C. Jelen, P. Bove, J. Xu, I. Ferguson, and M. Razeghi Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Materials, Physics and Devices, SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA; Proceedings, Vol. 2397-- February 6, 1995 ...[Visit Journal] High quality InSb has been grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and optimized using Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction. A 4.8 micrometers InSb layer grown on GaAs at a growth temperature of 395 degree(s)C and a III/V incorporation ratio of 1:1.2 had an X-ray rocking curve FWHM of 158 arcsec and a Hall mobility of 92300 cm2V-1s-1 at 77 K, the best reported to date for InSb nucleated directly onto GaAs. InSb p-i-n structures of 5.8 micrometers grown under the same conditions demonstrated a X-ray Full Width at Half Maximum of 101 arcsec and 131 arcsec for GaAs and Si substrates, respectively, and exhibited excellent uniformity of +/- 3 arcsec over a 3' substrate. Prototype InSb p-i-n detectors on Si have been fabricated and have demonstrated photovoltaic response at 6.5 micrometers up to 200 K. These p-i-n detectors have also exhibited the highest D* for a device grown onto Si. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Monolithically, widely tunable quantum cascade lasers based on a heterogeneous active region design Wenjia Zhou, Neelanjan Bandyopadhyay, Donghai Wu, Ryan McClintock & Manijeh Razeghi Nature Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 25213 -- June 8, 2016 ...[Visit Journal] Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have become important laser sources for accessing the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral range, achieving watt-level continuous wave operation in a compact package at room temperature. However, up to now, wavelength tuning, which is desirable for most applications, has relied on external cavity feedback or exhibited a limited monolithic tuning range. Here we demonstrate a widely tunable QCL source over the 6.2 to 9.1 μm wavelength range with a single emitting aperture by integrating an eight-laser sampled grating distributed feedback laser array with an on-chip beam combiner. The laser gain medium is based on a five-core heterogeneous QCL wafer. A compact tunable laser system was built to drive the individual lasers within the array and produce any desired wavelength within the available spectral range. A rapid, broadband spectral measurement (520 cm−1) of methane using the tunable laser source shows excellent agreement to a measurement made using a standard low-speed infrared spectrometer. This monolithic, widely tunable laser technology is compact, with no moving parts, and will open new opportunities for MIR spectroscopy and chemical sensing. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Room temperature neagtive differential resistance characteristics of polar III-nitride resonant tunneling diodes C. Bayram, Z. Vashaei, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, No. 9, p. 092104-1-- August 30, 2010 ...[Visit Journal] III-nitride resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs), consisting Al0.2Ga0.8N/GaN double-barrier (DB) active layers, were grown on c-plane lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO) GaN/sapphire and c-plane freestanding (FS) GaN. RTDs on both templates, fabricated into mesa diameters ranging from 5 to 35 μm, showed negative differential resistance (NDR) at room temperature. NDR characteristics (voltage and current density at NDR onset and current-peak-to-valley ratio) were analyzed and reported as a function of device size and substrate choice. Our results show that LEO RTDs perform as well as FS ones and DB active layer design and quality have been the bottlenecks in III-nitride RTDs. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Photonic crystal distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers with 12 W output power Y. Bai, B. Gokden, S.R. Darvish, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, No. 3-- July 20, 2009 ...[Visit Journal] We demonstrate room temperature, high power, and diffraction limited operation of photonic crystal distributed feedback (PCDFB) quantum cascade lasers emitting around 4.7 µm. PCDFB gratings with three distinctive periods are fabricated on the same wafer. Peak output power up to 12 W is demonstrated. Lasers with different periods show expected wavelength shifts according to the design. Dual mode spectra are attributed to a purer index coupling by putting the grating layer 100 nm away from the laser core. Single lobed diffraction limited far field profiles are observed. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | InAsSb/InAsP strained-layer superlattice injection lasers operating at 4.0 μm grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition B. Lane, Z. Wu, A. Stein, J. Diaz, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 74 (23)-- June 7, 1999 ...[Visit Journal] We report high power mid-infrared electrical injection operation of laser diodes based on InAsSb/InAsP strained-layer superlattices grown on InAs substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The broad-area laser diodes with 100 μm aperture and 1800 μm cavity length demonstrate peak output powers of 546 and 94 mW in pulsed and cw operation respectively at 100 K with a threshold current density as low as 100 A/cm². [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Room temperature continuous wave operation of λ ~ 3-3.2 μm quantum cascade lasers N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, S. Tsao, S. Nida, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, No. 24, p. 241110-1-- December 10, 2012 ...[Visit Journal] We demonstrate quantum cascade lasers emitting at wavelengths of 3–3.2 μm in the InP-based material system. The laser core consists of GaInAs/AlInAs using strain balancing technique. In room temperature pulsed mode operation, threshold current densities of 1.66 kA∕cm² and 1.97 kA∕cm², and characteristic temperatures (T0) of 108 K and 102 K, are obtained for the devices emitting at 3.2 μm and 3 μm, respectively. Room temperature continuous wave operation is achieved at both wavelengths. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | InAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors on InP by MOCVD W. Zhang, H. Lim, M. Taguchi, A. Quivy and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, Vol. 6127, pp. 61270M -- January 23, 2006 ...[Visit Journal] We report our recent results of InAs quantum dots grown on InP substrate by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) for the application of quantum dot infrared photodetector (QDIP). We have previously demonstrated the first InP-based QDIP with a peak detection wavelength at 6.4 µm and a detectivity of 1010 cm·Hz½/W at 77K. Here we show our recent work toward shifting the detection wavelength to the 3-5 µm middlewavelength infrared (MWIR) range. The dependence of the quantum dot on the growth conditions is studied by atomic force microscopy, photoluminescence and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Possible ways to increase the quantum efficiency of QDIPs are discussed. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Kinetics of photoconductivity in n-type GaN photodetector P. Kung, X. Zhang, D. Walker, A. Saxler, J. Piotrowski, A. Rogalski, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 67 (25)-- December 18, 1995 ...[Visit Journal] High-quality ultraviolet photoconductive detectors have been fabricated using GaN layers grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on (11⋅0) sapphire substrates. The spectral responsivity remained nearly constant for wavelengths from 200 to 365 nm and dropped sharply by almost three orders of magnitude for wavelengths longer than 365 nm. The kinetics of the photoconductivity have been studied by the measurements of the frequency‐dependent photoresponse and photoconductivity decay. Strongly sublinear response and excitation‐dependent response time have been observed even at relatively low excitation levels. This can be attributed to redistribution of the charge carriers with increased excitation level. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Quantum dot in a well infrared photodetectors for high operating temperature focal plane arrays S. Tsao, T. Yamanaka, S. Abdollahi Pour, I-K Park, B. Movaghar and M. Razeghi SPIE Proceedings, San Jose, CA Volume 7234-0V-- January 25, 2009 ...[Visit Journal] InAs quantum dots embedded in InGaAs quantum wells with InAlAs barriers on InP substrate grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition are utilized for high operating temperature detectors and focal plane arrays in the middle wavelength infrared. This dot-well combination is unique because the small band offset between the InAs dots and the InGaAs well leads to weak dot confinement of carriers. As a result, the device behavior differs significantly from that in the more common dot systems that have stronger confinement. Here, we present energy level modeling of our QD-QW system and apply these results to interpret the detector behavior. Detectors showed high performance with D* over 1010 cm·Hz1/2W-1 at 150 K operating temperature and with high quantum efficiency over 50%. Focal plane arrays have been demonstrated operating at high temperature due to the low dark current observed in these devices. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Wafer-scale epitaxial lift-off of optoelectronic grade GaN from a GaN substrate using a sacrificial ZnO interlayer Akhil Rajan, David J Rogers, Cuong Ton-That, Liangchen Zhu, Matthew R Phillips, Suresh Sundaram, Simon Gautier, Tarik Moudakir, Youssef El-Gmili, Abdallah Ougazzaden, Vinod E Sandana, Ferechteh H Teherani, Philippe Bove, Kevin A Prior, Zakaria Djebbour, Ryan McClintock and Manijeh Razeghi Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 49, Number 31 -- July 15, 2016 ...[Visit Journal] Full 2 inch GaN epilayers were lifted off GaN and c-sapphire substrates by preferential chemical dissolution of sacrificial ZnO underlayers. Modification of the standard epitaxial lift-off (ELO) process by supporting the wax host with a glass substrate proved key in enabling full wafer scale-up. Scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction confirmed that intact epitaxial GaN had been transferred to the glass host. Depth-resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) analysis of the bottom surface of the lifted-off GaN layer revealed strong near-band-edge (3.33 eV) emission indicating a superior optical quality for the GaN which was lifted off the GaN substrate. This modified ELO approach demonstrates that previous theories proposing that wax host curling was necessary to keep the ELO etch channel open do not apply to the GaN/ZnO system. The unprecedented full wafer transfer of epitaxial GaN to an alternative support by ELO offers the perspective of accelerating industrial adoption of the expensive GaN substrate through cost-reducing recycling. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Advanced InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photovoltaic Detectors for Very-Long Wavelength Infrared Applications Y. Wei, A. Gin, M. Razeghi, and G.J. Brown Applied Physics Letters 80 (18)-- May 6, 2002 ...[Visit Journal] We report on the temperature dependence of the photoresponse of very long wavelength infrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice based photovoltaic detectors grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. The detectors had a 50% cutoff wavelength of 18.8 μm and a peak current responsivity of 4 A·W-1 at 80 K. A peak detectivity of 4.5×1010 cm· Hz½·W-1 was achieved at 80 K at a reverse bias of 110 mV. The generation–recombination lifetime was 0.4 ns at 80 K. The cutoff wavelength increased very slowly with increasing temperature with a net shift from 20 to 80 K of only 1.2 μm [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Mid-wavelength infrared heterojunction phototransistors based on type-II InAs/AlSb/GaSb superlattices A. Haddadi, S. Adhikary, A. Dehzangi, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 109, 021107-- July 12, 2016 ...[Visit Journal] A mid-wavelength infrared heterojunction phototransistor based on type-II InAs/AlSb/GaSb superlattices on GaSb substrate has been demonstrated. Near a wavelength of 4 μm saturated optical gains of 668 and 639 at 77 and 150 K, respectively, are demonstrated over a wide dynamic range. At 150 K, the unity optical gain collector dark current density and DC current gain are 1 × 10−3 A/cm² and 3710, respectively. This demonstrates the potential for use in high-speed applications. In addition, the phototransistor exhibits a specific detectivity value that is four times higher compared with a state-of-the-art type-II superlattice-based photodiode with a similar cut-off wavelength at 150 K. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Demonstration of InAsSb/AlInSb Double Heterostructure Detectors for Room Temperature Operation in the 5–8 μm Wavelength Range J.S. Wojkowski, H. Mohseni, J.D. Kim, and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- January 27, 1999 ...[Visit Journal] We report the first demonstration of InAsSb/AlInSb double heterostructure detectors for room temperature operation. The structures were grown in a solid source molecular beam epitaxy reactor on semi-insulating GaAs substrate. The material was processed to 400x400 micrometer mesas using standard photolithography, etching, and metallization techniques. No optical immersion or surface passivation was used. The photovoltaic detectors showed a cutoff wavelength at 8 micrometer at 300 K. The devices showed a high quantum efficiency of 40% at 7 μm at room temperature. A responsivity of 300 mA/W was measured at 7 μm under a reverse bias of 0.25 V at 300 K resulting in a Johnson noise limited detectivity of 2x108 cm·Hz½/W. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | High power frequency comb based on mid-infrared quantum cascade laser at λ ~9μm Q. Y. Lu, M. Razeghi, S. Slivken, N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, W. J. Zhou, M. Chen, D. Heydari, A. Haddadi, R. McClintock, M. Amanti, and C. Sirtori Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 051105-- February 2, 2015 ...[Visit Journal] We investigate a frequency comb source based on a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser at λ ∼9 μm with high power output. A broad flat-top gain with near-zero group velocity dispersion has been engineered using a dual-core active region structure. This favors the locking of the dispersed Fabry-Pérot modes into equally spaced frequency lines via four wave mixing. A current range with a narrow intermode beating linewidth of 3 kHz is identified with a fast detector and spectrum analyzer. This range corresponds to a broad spectral coverage of 65 cm−1 and a high power output of 180 mW for ∼176 comb modes. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | 8-13 μm InAsSb heterojunction photodiode operating at near room temperature J.D. Kim, S. Kim, D. Wu, J. Wojkowski, J. Xu, J. Piotrowski, E. Bigan, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 67 (18)-- October 30, 1995 ...[Visit Journal] p+-InSb/π-InAs1−xSbx/n+-InSb heterojunction photodiodes operating at near room temperature in the 8–13 μm region of infrared (IR) spectrum are reported. A room‐temperature photovoltaic response of up to 13 μm has been observed at 300 K with an x≊0.85 sample. The voltage responsivity‐area product of 3×10−5 V· cm²/W has been obtained at 300 K for the λ=10.6 μm optimized device. This was close to the theoretical limit set by the Auger mechanism, with a detectivity at room temperature of ≊1.5×108 cm ·Hz½/W. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | High-power continuous-wave operation of distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers at λ ~ 7.8 µm S.R. Darvish, W. Zhang, A. Evans, J.S. Yu, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 89 (25)-- December 18, 2006 ...[Visit Journal] The authors present high-power continuous-wave (cw) operation of distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers. Continuous-wave output powers of 56 mW at 25 °C and 15 mW at 40 °C are obtained. Single-mode emission near 7.8 μm with a side-mode suppression ratio of >=30 dB and a tuning range of 2.83 cm−1 was obtained between 15 and 40 °C. The device exhibits no beam steering with a full width at half maximum of 27.4° at 25 °C in cw mode. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Near bulk-limited R0A of long-wavelength infrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes with polyimide surface passivation Andrew Hood, Pierre-Yves Delaunay, Darin Hoffman, Binh-Minh Nguyen, Yajun Wei, Manijeh Razeghi, and Vaidya Nathan Applied Physics Letters 90, 233513-- June 4, 2007 ...[Visit Journal] Effective surface passivation of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes with cutoff wavelengths in the long-wavelength infrared is presented. A stable passivation layer, the electrical properties of which do not change as a function of the ambient environment nor time, has been prepared by a solvent-based surface preparation, vacuum desorption, and the application of an insulating polyimide layer. Passivated photodiodes, with dimensions ranging from 400×400 to 25×25 µm2, with a cutoff wavelength of ~11 µm, exhibited near bulk-limited R0A values of ~12 Ω·cm2, surface resistivities in excess of 104 Ω·cm, and very uniform current-voltage behavior at 77 K. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Long Wavelength Type-II Photodiodes Operating at Room Temperature H. Mohseni and M. Razeghi IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 13 (5)-- May 1, 2001 ...[Visit Journal] The operation of uncooled InAs-GaSb superlattice photodiodes with a cutoff wavelength of λc=8 μm and a peak detectivity of 1.2 × 108 cm·Hz½/W at zero bias is demonstrated. The detectivity is similar to the best uncooled HgCdTe detectors and microbolometers. However, the R0A product is more than two orders of magnitude higher than HgCdTe and the device is more than four orders of magnitude faster than microbolometers. These features combined with their low 1/f noise and high uniformity make these type-II photodiodes an excellent choice for uncooled high-speed IR imaging arrays [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | High-performance short-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on type-II InAs/InAs1-xSbx/AlAs1-xSbx superlattices M. Razeghi, A. Haddadi, X. V. Suo, S. Adhikary, P. Dianat, R. Chevallier, A. M. Hoang, A. Dehzangi Proc. SPIE 9819, Infrared Technology and Applications XLII, 98190A -- May 20, 2016 ...[Visit Journal] We present a high-performance short-wavelength infrared n-i-p photodiode, whose structure is based on type-II superlattices with InAs/InAs1-xSbx/AlAs1-xSbx on GaSb substrate. At room temperature (300K) with front-side illumination, the device shows the peak responsivity of 0.47 A/W at 1.6mm, corresponding to 37% quantum efficiency at zero bias. At 300K, the device has a 50% cut-off wavelength of ~1.8mm. For −50mV applied bias at 300 K the photodetector has dark current density of 9.6x10-5 A/cm² and RxA of 285 Ω•cm², and it revealed a detectivity of 6.45x1010 cm•Hz½/W. Dark current density reached to 1.3x10-8 A/cm² at 200 K, with 36% quantum efficiency which leads to the detectivity value of 5.66x1012 cm•Hz½/W. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Bias–selectable nBn dual–band long–/very long–wavelength infrared photodetectors based on InAs/InAsSb/AlAsSb type–II superlattices Abbas Haddadi, Arash Dehzangi, Romain Chevallier, Sourav Adhikary, & Manijeh Razeghi Nature Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 3379-- June 13, 2017 ...[Visit Journal] Type–II superlattices (T2SLs) are a class of artificial semiconductors that have demonstrated themselves as a viable candidate to compete with the state–of–the–art mercury–cadmium–telluride material system in the field of infrared detection and imaging. Within type–II superlattices, InAs/InAs1−xSbx T2SLs have been shown to have a significantly longer minority carrier lifetime. However, demonstration of high–performance dual–band photodetectors based on InAs/InAs1−xSbx T2SLs in the long and very long wavelength infrared (LWIR & VLWIR) regimes remains challenging. We report the demonstration of high–performance bias–selectable dual–band long–wavelength infrared photodetectors based on new InAs/InAsSb/AlAsSb type–II superlattice design. Our design uses two different bandgap absorption regions separated by an electron barrier that blocks the transport of majority carriers to reduce the dark current density of the device. As the applied bias is varied, the device exhibits well–defined cut–off wavelengths of either ∼8.7 or ∼12.5 μm at 77 K. This bias–selectable dual–band photodetector is compact, with no moving parts, and will open new opportunities for multi–spectral LWIR and VLWIR imaging and detection. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | AlxGa1-xN-based back-illuminated solar-blind photodetectors with external quantum efficiency of 89% E. Cicek, R. McClintock, C. Y. Cho, B. Rahnema, and M. Razeghi Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 191108 (2013)-- November 5, 2013 ...[Visit Journal] We report on high performance AlxGa1−xN-based solar-blind ultraviolet photodetector (PD) array grown on sapphire substrate. First, high quality, crack-free AlN template layer is grown via metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Then, we systematically optimized the device design and material doping through the growth and processing of multiple devices. After optimization, uniform and solar-blind operation is observed throughout the array; at the peak detection wavelength of 275 nm, 729 μm² area PD showed unbiased peak external quantum efficiency and responsivity of ∼80% and ∼176 mA/W, respectively, increasing to 89% under 5 V of reverse bias. Taking the reflection loses into consideration, the internal quantum efficiency of these optimized PD can be estimated to be as high as ∼98%. The visible rejection ratio measured to be more than six orders of magnitude. Electrical measurements yielded a low-dark current density: <2 × 10−9 A/cm², at 10 V of reverse bias. [reprint (PDF)] |
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