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4.  Fabrication of 12 µm pixel-pitch 1280 × 1024 extended short wavelength infrared focal plane array using heterojunction type-II superlattice-based photodetector
Arash Dehzangi , Abbas Haddadi, Romain Chevallier, Yiyun Zhang and Manijeh Razegh
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 34, 03LT01-- February 4, 2019 ...[Visit Journal]
We present an initial demonstration of a 1280 × 1024 extended short-wavelength infrared focal plane array (FPA) imager with 12μm pixel-pitch based on type–II InAs/AlSb/GaSb superlattice heterojunction photodetectors, with a novel bandstructure-engineered photo-generated carrier extractor as the window layer in the hetero structure to efficiently extract the photo-generated carriers. This heterostructure with a larger bandgap top window/contact layer leads to the device having lower dark current density compared to conventional pn junction devices. The large format FPA was fabricated with 12 μm pixel-pitch using a developed fabrication process. Test pixels fabricated separately exhibit 100% cut–off wavelengths of ∼2.22, ∼2.34μm, and ∼2.45μm at 150, 200K, and 300K. The test devices achieve saturated quantum efficiency values under zero bias of 54.3% and 68.4% at 150 and 300K, under back-side illumination and without any anti-reflection coating. At 150K, these photodetectors exhibit dark current density of 1.63 × 10−7 A·cm−2 under −20mV applied bias providing a specific detectivity of 1.01 × 1011 cm ·Hz½/W at 1.9μm. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  Use of Sacrificial Zinc Oxide Template Layers for Epitaxial Lift-Off of Yttria-Stabilised Zirconia Thin Films
D. J. Rogers, T. Maroutian, V. E. Sandana, P. Lecoeur, F. H. Teherani, P. Bove and M. Razeghi
Proc. of SPIE 11687, 116872C (2021) ...[Visit Journal]
275 nm-thick Yttria-stabilised zirconia (YSZ) layers were grown on 240 nm-thick epitaxial (0002)-oriented ZnO buffer layers on c-sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies revealed high quality epitaxial growth with the YSZ having a preferential (111) orientation and a root mean square surface roughness of 1.4 nm over an area of 10 um x 10 um. The YSZ top surface was then temporary bonded to an Apiezon W wax carrier and the sample was immersed in 0.1M HCl so as to preferentially etch/dissolve away the ZnO underlayer and release of the YSZ from the sapphire substrate. XRD revealed only the characteristic (111) peak of YSZ after lift-off and thus confirmed both the dissolution of the ZnO and the preservation of the crystallographic integrity of the YSZ on the wax carrier. Optical and Atomic Force Microscopy revealed some buckling, roughening and cracking of the lifted YSZ, however, which was probably due to tensile epitaxial strain release. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  Antimonide-Based Type II Superlattices: A Superior Candidate for the Third Generation of Infrared Imaging Systems
M. Razeghi, A. Haddadi, A.M. Hoang, G. Chen, S. Bogdanov, S.R. Darvish, F. Callewaert, P.R. Bijjam, and R. McClintock
Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 43, No. 8, 2014-- August 1, 2014 ...[Visit Journal]
Type II superlattices (T2SLs), a system of interacting multiquantum wells,were introduced by Nobel Laureate L. Esaki in the 1970s. Since then, this material system has drawn a lot of attention, especially for infrared detection and imaging. In recent years, the T2SL material system has experienced incredible improvements in material growth quality, device structure design, and device fabrication techniques that have elevated the performance of T2SL-based photodetectors and focal-plane arrays (FPAs) to a level comparable to state-of-the-art material systems for infrared detection and imaging, such as mercury cadmium telluride compounds. We present the current status of T2SL-based photodetectors and FPAs for imaging in different infrared regimes, from short wavelength to very long wavelength, and dual-band infrared detection and imaging, as well as the future outlook for this material system. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  Low Noise Short Wavelength Infrared Avalanche Photodetector Using SB-Based Strained Layer Superlattice
Arash Dehzangi, Jiakai Li, Manijeh Razeghi
Photonics 2021, 8(5), 148; Received: 8 March 2021 / Revised: 12 April 2021 / Accepted: 25 April 2021 / Published: 30 April 2021 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate low noise short wavelength infrared (SWIR) Sb-based type II superlattice (T2SL) avalanche photodiodes (APDs). The SWIR GaSb/(AlAsSb/GaSb) APD structure was designed based on impact ionization engineering and grown by molecular beam epitaxy on a GaSb substrate. At room temperature, the device exhibits a 50% cut-off wavelength of 1.74 µm. The device was revealed to have an electron-dominated avalanching mechanism with a gain value of 48 at room temperature. The electron and hole impact ionization coefficients were calculated and compared to give a better prospect of the performance of the device. Low excess noise, as characterized by a carrier ionization ratio of ~0.07, has been achieved. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  Monolithic terahertz source
Q. Y. Lu, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken, Y. Bai and M. Razeghi
Nature Photonics | Research Highlights -- July 31, 2014 ...[Visit Journal]
To date, the production of continuous-wave terahertz (THz) sources based on intracavity difference-frequency generation from mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers operating at room temperature has proved elusive. A critical problem is that, to achieve a large nonlinear susceptibility for frequency conversion, the active region of the quantum cascade laser requires high doping, which elevates the lasing threshold current density. Now, Quan-Yong Lu and colleagues from Northwestern University in the USA have overcome this problem and demonstrated a room-temperature continuous-wave THz source based on difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers. They designed quantum-well structures based on In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As material system for two mid-infrared wavelengths. The average doping in the active region was about 2.5 × 1016 cm−3. A buried ridge, buried composite distributed-feedback waveguide with the Čerenkov phase-matching scheme was used to reduce the waveguide loss and enhance heat dissipation. As a result, single-mode emission at 3.6 THz was observed at 293 K. The continuous-wave THz power reached 3 μW with a conversion efficiency of 0.44 mW W−2 from mid-infrared to THz waves. Using a similar device design, a THz peak power of 1.4 mW was achieved in pulse mode. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  Modeling of Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattices Using Empirical Tight-Binding Method and Interface Engineering
Y. Wei and M. Razeghi
Physical Review B, 69 (8)-- February 15, 2004 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the most recent work on the modeling of type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices using the empirical tight binding method in an sp3s* basis. After taking into account the antimony segregation in the InAs layers, the modeling accuracy of the band gap has been improved. Our calculations agree with our experimental results within a certain growth uncertainty. In addition, we introduce the concept of GaxIn1-x type interface engineering in order to reduce the lattice mismatch between the superlattice and the GaSb (001) substrate to improve the overall superlattice material quality. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  Ultrafast Pulse Generation from Quantum Cascade Lasers
Feihu Wang, Xiaoqiong Qi, Zhichao Chen, Manijeh Razeghi, and Sukhdeep Dhillon
Wang, F.; Qi, X.; Chen, Z.; Razeghi, M.; Dhillon, S. Ultrafast Pulse Generation from Quantum Cascade Lasers. Micromachines 2022, 13, 2063. mi13122063 ...[Visit Journal]
Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have broken the spectral barriers of semiconductor lasers and enabled a range of applications in the mid-infrared (MIR) and terahertz (THz) regimes. However, until recently, generating ultrashort and intense pulses from QCLs has been difficult. This would be useful to study ultrafast processes in MIR and THz using the targeted wavelength-by-design properties of QCLs. Since the first demonstration in 2009, mode-locking of QCLs has undergone considerable development in the past decade, which includes revealing the underlying mechanism of pulse formation, the development of an ultrafast THz detection technique, and the invention of novel pulse compression technology, etc. Here, we review the history and recent progress of ultrafast pulse generation from QCLs in both the THz and MIR regimes. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  High power, continuous wave, room temperature operation of λ ~ 3.4 μm and λ ~ 3.55 μm InP-based quantum cascade lasers
N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken, Y. Bai and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 100, No. 21, p. 212104-1-- May 21, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
We report two highly strain-balanced InP-based AlInAs/GaInAs quantum cascade lasers emitting near 3.39 and 3.56 . A pulsed threshold current density of only 1.1 kA/cm² has been achieved at room temperature for both lasers with characteristic temperatures (T0) of 166  K and 152  K, respectively. The slope efficiency is also relatively temperature insensitive with characteristic temperatures (T1) of 116 K and 191  K, respectively. Continuous wave powers of 504 mW and 576 mW are obtained at room temperature, respectively. This was accomplished without buried ridge processing. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  High power, room temperature, Terahertz sources and frequency comb based on Difference frequency generation at CQD
Manijeh Razeghi
Proc. of SPIE 12230, 1223006, September 2022 ...[Visit Journal]
Quantum cascade laser (QCL) is becoming the leading laser source in the mid-infrared and terahertz range due to its rapid development in power, efficiency, and spectral covering range. Owing to its unique intersubband transition and fast carrier lifetime, QCL possesses strong nonlinear susceptibilities that makes it the ideal platform for a variety of nonlinear optical generations. Among this, terahertz (THz) source based on difference-frequency generation (DFG)and frequency comb based on four wave mixing effect are the most exciting phenomena which could potentially revolutionize spectroscopy in mid-infrared (mid-IR) and THz spectral range. In this paper, we will briefly discuss the recent progress of our research. This includes high power high efficiency QCLs, high power room temperature THz sources based on DFG-QCL, room temperature THz frequency comb, and injection locking of high-power QCL frequency combs. The developed QCLs are great candidates as next generation mid-infrared source for spectroscopy and sensing. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  Multi-band SWIR-MWIR-LWIR Type-II superlattice based infrared photodetector
Manijeh Razeghi, Arash Dehzangi, Jiakai Li
Results in Optics Volume 2, January 2021, 100054 ...[Visit Journal]
Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices (T2SLs) has drawn a lot of attention since it was introduced in 1970, especially for infrared detection as a system of multi-interacting quantum wells. In recent years, T2SL material system has experienced incredible improvements in material quality, device structure designs and device fabrication process, which elevated the performances of T2SL-based photo-detectors to a comparable level to the state-of-the-art material systems for infrared detection such as Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT). As a pioneer in the field, center for quantum devices (CQD) has been involved in growth, design, characterization, and introduction of T2SL material system for infrared photodetection. In this review paper, we will present the latest development of bias-selectable multi-band infrared photodetectors at the CQD, based on InAs/GaSb/AlSb and InAs/InAs1-xSbx type-II superlattice. [reprint (PDF)]
4.  Avalanche Photodetector Based on InAs/InSb Superlattice
Arash Dehzangi, Jiakai Li, Lakshay Gautam and Manijeh Razeghi
Quantum rep. 2020, 2(4), 591-599; (registering DOI)-- December 4, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
This work demonstrates a mid-wavelength infrared InAs/InSb superlattice avalanche photodiode (APD). The superlattice APD structure was grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaSb substrate. The device exhibits a 100 % cut-off wavelength of 4.6 µm at 150 K and 4.30 µm at 77 K. At 150 and 77 K, the device responsivity reaches peak values of 2.49 and 2.32 A/W at 3.75 µm under −1.0 V applied bias, respectively. The device reveals an electron dominated avalanching mechanism with a gain value of 6 at 150 K and 7.4 at 77 K which was observed under −6.5 V bias voltage. The gain value was measured at different temperatures and different diode sizes. The electron and hole impact ionization coefficients were calculated and compared to give a better prospect of the performance of the device. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  Room temperature quantum cascade lasers with 27% wall plug efficiency
Y. Bai, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Tsao, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, No. 18, p. 181102-1-- May 3, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
Using the recently proposed shallow-well design, we demonstrate InP based quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) emitting around 4.9 μm with 27% and 21% wall plug efficiencies in room temperature (298 K) pulsed and continuous wave (CW) operations, respectively. The laser core consists of 40 QCL-stages. The highest cw efficiency is obtained from a buried-ridge device with a ridge width of 8 μm and a cavity length of 5 mm. The front and back facets are antireflection and high-reflection coated, respectively. The maximum single facet cw power at room temperature amounts to 5.1 W. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  Optical Coatings by ion-beam sputtering deposition for long-wave infrared quantum cascade lasers
J. Nguyen, J.S. Yu, A. Evans, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 89 (11)-- September 11, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
The authors report on the development of high-reflection and multilayer antireflection coatings using ion-beam sputtering deposition for long-wave infrared (λ~9.4 μm) quantum cascade lasers. A metallic high-reflection coating structure using Y2O3 and Au is demonstrated to achieve a high reflectance of 96.70%, and the use of a multilayer anti-reflection coating structure using PbTe and ZnO is demonstrated to achieve a very low reflectance of 1.64%. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  High power continuous wave operation of single mode quantum cascade lasers up to 5 W spanning λ∼3.8-8.3 µm
Quanyong Lu, Steven Slivken, Donghai Wu, and Manijeh Razeghi
Optics Express Vol. 28, Issue 10, pp. 15181-15188-- May 4, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
In this work, we report high power continuous wave room-temperature operation single mode quantum cascade lasers in the mid-infrared spectral range from 3.8 to 8.3 µm. Single mode robustness and dynamic range are enhanced by optimizing the distributed feedback grating coupling design and the facet coatings. High power single mode operation is secured by circumventing the over-coupling issue and spatial hole burning effect. Maximum single-facet continuous-wave output power of 5.1 W and wall plug efficiency of 16.6% is achieved at room temperature. Single mode operation with a side mode suppression ratio of 30 dB and single-lobed far field with negligible beam steering is observed. The significantly increased power for single mode emission will boost the QCL applications in long-range free-space communication and remote sensing of hazardous chemicals. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  High power, continuous wave, quantum cascade ring laser
Y. Bai, S. Tsao, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken, Q.Y. Lu, D. Caffey, M. Pushkarsky, T. Day and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 99, No. 26, p. 261104-1-- December 26, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate a quantum cascade ring laser with high power room temperature continuous wave operation. A second order distributed feedback grating buried inside the waveguide provides both in-plane feedback and vertical power outcoupling. Total output power reaches 0.51 W at an emission wavelength around 4.85 μm. Single mode operation persists up to 0.4 W. The far field analysis indicates that the device operates in a high order mode. The magnetic and electric components of the ring-shaped lasing beam are in radial and azimuthal directions, respectively. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  High-power λ ~ 9.5 µm quantum-cascade lasers operating above room temperature in continuous-wave mode
J.S. Yu, S. Slivken, A. Evans, S.R. Darvish, J. Nguyen, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 88 (9)-- February 27, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
We report high-power continuous-wave (cw) operation of λ~9.5 μm quantum-cascade lasers to a temperature of 318 K. A high-reflectivity-coated 19-μm-wide and 3-mm-long device exhibits cw output powers as high as 150 mW at 288 K and still 22 mW at 318 K. In cw operation at 298 K, a threshold current density of 1.57 kA/cm2, a slope efficiency of 391 mW/A, and a maximum wall-plug efficiency of 0.71% are obtained. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  High operating temperature midwave infrared photodiodes and focal plane arrays based on type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices
S. Abdollahi Pour, E.K. Huang, G. Chen, A. Haddadi, B.M. Nguyen and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, No. 14, p. 143501-1-- April 4, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
The dominant dark current mechanisms are identified and suppressed to improve the performance of midwave infrared InAs/GaSb Type-II superlattice photodiodes at high temperatures. The optimized heterojunction photodiode exhibits a quantum efficiency of 50% for 2 μm thick active region without any bias dependence. At 150 K, R0A of 5100 Ω·cm² and specific detectivity of 1.05×1012 cm·Hz0.5·W-1 are demonstrated for a 50% cutoff wavelength of 4.2 μm. Assuming 300 K background temperature and 2π field of view, the performance of the detector is background limited up to 180 K, which is improved by 25 °C compared to the homojunction photodiode. Infrared imaging using f/2.3 optics and an integration time of 10.02 ms demonstrates a noise equivalent temperature difference of 11 mK at operating temperatures below 120 K. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  Quantum cascade lasers that emit more light than heat
Y. Bai, S. Slivken, S. Kuboya, S.R. Darvish and M. Razeghi
Nature Photonics, February 2010, Vol. 4, p. 99-102-- February 1, 2010 ...[Visit Journal]
For any semiconductor lasers, the wall plug efficiency, that is, the portion of the injected electrical energy that can be converted into output optical energy, is one of the most important figures of merit. A device with a higher wall plug efficiency has a lower power demand and prolonged device lifetime due to its reduced self-heating. Since its invention, the power performance of the quantum cascade laser has improved tremendously. However, although the internal quantum efficiency can be engineered to be greater than 80% at low temperatures, the wall plug efficiency of a quantum cascade laser has never been demonstrated above 50% at any temperature. The best wall plug efficiency reported to date is 36% at 120 K. Here, we overcome the limiting factors using a single-well injector design and demonstrate 53% wall plug efficiency at 40 K with an emitting wavelength of 5 µm. In other words, we demonstrate a quantum cascade laser that produces more light than heat. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  Demonstration of type-II superlattice MWIR minority carrier unipolar imager for high operation temperature application
Guanxi Chen, Abbas Haddadi, Anh-Minh Hoang, Romain Chevallier, and Manijeh Razeghi
Optics Letters Vol. 40, Iss. 1, pp. 29–32-- December 18, 2014 ...[Visit Journal]
An InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice-based mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) 320×256 unipolar focal plane array (FPA) using pMp architecture exhibited excellent infrared image from 81 to 150 K and ∼98% operability, which illustrated the possibility for high operation temperature application. At 150 K and −50  mV operation bias, the 27 μm pixels exhibited dark current density to be 1.2×10−5  A/cm², with 50% cutoff wavelength of 4.9 μm, quantum efficiency of 67% at peak responsivity (4.6 μm), and specific detectivity of 1.2×1012 Jones. At 90 K and below, the 27 μm pixels exhibited system limited dark current density, which is below 1×10−9  A/cm², and specific detectivity of 1.5×1014 Jones. From 81 to 100 K, the FPA showed ∼11  mK NEDT by using F/2.3 optics and a 9.69 ms integration time. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  High-Power Distributed-Feedback Quantum Cascade Lasers
W.W. Bewley, I. Vurgaftman, C.S. Kim, J.R. Meyer, J. Nguyen, A.J. Evans, J.S. Yu, S.R. Darvish, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, Vol. 6127, pp. 612704-- January 23, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
Recently, a distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser operating in a single spectral mode at 4.8 µm and at temperatures up to 333 K has been reported. In the present work, we provide detailed measurements and modeling of its performance characteristics. The sidemode suppression ratio exceeds 25 dB, and the emission remains robustly single-mode at all currents and temperatures tested. Cw output powers of 99 mW at 298 K and 357 mW at 200 K are obtained at currents well below the thermal rollover point. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  MOCVD grown β-Ga2O3 metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors on sapphire
Ji-Hyeon Park , Ryan McClintock, Alexandre Jaud, Arash Dehzangi , Manijeh Razeghi
Applied Physics Express 12, 095503-- August 28, 2019 ...[Visit Journal]
We fabricated β-Ga2O3:Si metal-oxide field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) on c-plane sapphire substrates which typically showed maximum drain current of 100 mA·mm−1. β-Ga2O3:Si thin films were realized on c-plane sapphire substrates through a combination of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition and post-annealing. The MOSFET device presented excellent on/off drain current ratio of ∼1011 with very low gate leakage current, sharp pinch off behavior, and a breakdown voltage of 400 V at VG = −40 V. The growth and fabrication of β-Ga2O3:Si MOSFETs on c-plane sapphire is valuable to its demonstration of the great potential for future high-power electronic devices. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  High-speed free-space optical communications based on quantum cascade lasers and type-II superlattice detectors
Stephen M. Johnson; Emily Dial; M. Razeghi
Proc. SPIE 11288, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVII, 1128814-- January 31, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
Free-space optical communications (FSOC) is a promising avenue for point-to-point, high-bandwidth, and high-security communication links. It has the potential to solve the “last mile” problem modern communication systems face, allowing for high-speed communication links without the expensive and expansive infrastructure required by fiber optic and wireless technologies 1 . Although commercial FSOC systems currently exist, due to their operation in the near infrared and short infrared ranges, they are necessarily limited by atmospheric absorption and scattering losses 2 . Mid-infrared (MWIR) wavelengths are desirable for free space communications systems because they have lower atmospheric scattering losses compared to near-infrared communication links. This leads to increased range and link uptimes. Since this portion of the EM spectrum is unlicensed, link establishment can be implemented quickly. Quantum cascade lasers (QCL) are ideal FSOC transmitters because their emission wavelength is adjustable to MWIR 3 . Compared to the typical VCSEL and laser diodes used in commercial NIR and SWIR FSOC systems, however, they require increased threshold and modulation currents 4 . Receivers based on type-II superlattice (T2SL) detectors are desired in FSOC for their low dark current, high temperature operation, and band gap tunable to MWIR 5. In this paper, we demonstrate the implementation of a high-speed FSOC system using a QCL and a T2SL detector. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  Low Dark Current Deep UV AlGaN Photodetectors on AlN Substrate
Lakshay Gautam, Junhee Lee, Gail Brown, Manijeh Razeghi
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 1-5, June 2022, Art no. 4000205 ...[Visit Journal]
We report high quality, low dark current, deep Ultraviolet AlGaN/AlN Photodetectors on AlN substrate. AlGaN based Photodetectors are grown and fabricated both on AlN and Sapphire substrates with the same epilayer structure. Subsequently, electrical characteristics of both photodetectors on AlN substrate and Sapphire are compared. A reduction of 4 orders of magnitude of dark current density is reported in UV detectors grown on AlN substrate with respect to Sapphire substrate. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  Harmonic injection locking of high-power mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
Feihu Wang, Steven Slivken, and Manijeh Razeghi
OSA Photonics Research • ...[Visit Journal]
High-power, high-speed quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) with stable emission in the mid-infrared regime are of great importance for applications in metrology, telecommunication, and fundamental tests of physics. Owing to the inter-sub-band transition, the unique ultrafast gain recovery time of the QCL with picosecond dynamics is expected to overcome the modulation limit of classical semiconductor lasers and bring a revolution for the next generation of ultrahigh-speed optical communication. Therefore, harmonic injection locking, offering the possibility to fast modulate and greatly stabilize the laser emission beyond the rate limited by cavity length, is inherently adapted to QCLs. In this work, we demonstrate for the first time the harmonic injection locking of a mid-infrared QCL with an output power over 1 watt in continuous-wave operation at 288 K. Compared with an unlocked laser, the inter-mode spacing fluctuation of an injection locked QCL can be considerably reduced by a factor above 1×10 E3, which permits the realization of an ultra-stable mid-infrared semiconductor laser with high phase coherence and frequency purity. Despite temperature change, this fluctuation can be still stabilized to hertz level by a microwave modulation up to ∼18 GHz. These results open up the prospect of the applications of mid-infrared QCL technology for frequency comb engineering, metrology and the next generation ultrahigh-speed telecommunication. It may also stimulate new schemes for exploring ultrafast mid-infrared pulse generation in QCLs. [reprint (PDF)]
3.  Room temperature continuous wave operation of λ ~ 3-3.2 μm quantum cascade lasers
N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, S. Tsao, S. Nida, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, No. 24, p. 241110-1-- December 10, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate quantum cascade lasers emitting at wavelengths of 3–3.2 μm in the InP-based material system. The laser core consists of GaInAs/AlInAs using strain balancing technique. In room temperature pulsed mode operation, threshold current densities of 1.66 kA∕cm² and 1.97 kA∕cm², and characteristic temperatures (T0) of 108 K and 102 K, are obtained for the devices emitting at 3.2 μm and 3 μm, respectively. Room temperature continuous wave operation is achieved at both wavelengths. [reprint (PDF)]

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