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1.  Interface roughness scattering in thin, undoped GaInP/GaAs quantum wells
W. C. Mitchel, G.J. Brown, I. Lo, S. Elhamri, M. Aboujja, K. Ravindran, R.S. Newrock, M. Razeghi, and X. He
Applied Physics Letters 65 (12)-- September 19, 1994 ...[Visit Journal]
Electronic transport properties of very thin undoped GaInP/GaAs quantum wells have been measured by temperature dependent low field Hall effect and by Shubnikov–de Haas effect. Strong Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations were observed after increasing the electron concentration via the persistent photocurrent effect. Low temperature mobilities of up to 70 ,000 cm²/V· s at carrier concentrations of 6.5×1011 cm−2 were observed in a 20 Å quantum well. The results are compared with the theory of interface roughness scattering which indicates extremely smooth interfaces; however, discrepancies between experiment and theory are observed. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  A lifetime of contributions to the world of semiconductors using the Czochralski invention
M. Razeghi
Vacuum Vol. 9934, 993406-1-- February 8, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
Over the course of my career, I have made numerous contributions related to semiconductor crystal growth and high performance optoelectronics over a vast region of the electromagnetic spectrum (ultraviolet to terahertz). In 2016 this cumulated in my receiving the Jan Czochralski Gold Medal award from the European Materials Research Society. This article is designed to provide a historical perspective and general overview of these scientific achievements, on the occasion of being honored by this award. These achievements would not have been possible without high quality crystalline substrates, and this article is written in honor of Jan Czochralski on the 100th anniversary of his important discovery. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Room Temperature Operation of InTlSb Infrared Photodetectors on GaAs
J.D. Kim, E. Michel, S. Park, J. Xu, S. Javadpour and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 69 (3)-- August 15, 1996 ...[Visit Journal]
Long-wavelength InTlSb photodetectors operating at room temperature are reported. The photo- detectors were grown on (100) semi-insulating GaAs substrates by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Photoresponse of InTlSb photodetectors is observed up to 11 µm at room temperature. The maximum responsivity of an In0.96Tl0.04Sb photodetector is about 6.64 V/W at 77 K, corresponding to a detectivity of about 7.64 × 108 cm·Hz½/W. The carrier lifetime in InTlSb photodetectors derived from the stationary photoconductivity is 10–50 ns at 77 K. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  ZnO Thin Film Templates for GaN-based Devices
D.J. Rogers, F. Hosseini Teherani, A. Yasan, R. McClintock, K. Mayes, S.R. Darvish, P. Kung, M. Razeghi and G. Garry
SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp. 412-- January 22, 2005 ...[Visit Journal]
GaN-based optoelectronic devices are plagued by a tendency to non-radiative transitions linked to defects in the active layers. ZnO is promising as a substrate material for GaN because it has the same wurtzite structure and a relatively small lattice mismatch (~1.8%). In this paper, we discuss use of ZnO thin films as templates for GaN based LED. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  III-Nitride Optoelectronic Devices: From ultraviolet detectors and visible emitters towards terahertz intersubband devices
M. Razeghi, C. Bayram, Z. Vashaei, E. Cicek and R. McClintock
IEEE Photonics Society 23rd Annual Meeting, November 7-10, 2010, Denver, CO, Proceedings, p. 351-352-- January 20, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
III-nitride optoelectronic devices are discussed. Ultraviolet detectors and visible emitters towards terahertz intersubband devices are reported. Demonstration of single photon detection efficiencies of 33% in the ultraviolet regime, intersubband energy level as low as in the mid-infrared regime, and GaN-based resonant tunneling diodes with negative resistance of 67 Ω are demonstrated. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Room temperature continuous wave operation of quantum cascade lasers with 12.5% wall plug efficiency
Y. Bai, S. Slivken, S.R. Darvish, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, No. 2, p. 021103-1-- July 14, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
An InP based quantum cascade laser heterostructure emitting at 4.6 µm was grown with gas-source molecular beam epitaxy. The wafer was processed into a conventional double-channel ridge waveguide geometry with ridge widths of 19.7 and 10.6 µm without semi-insulating InP regrowth. An uncoated, narrow ridge device with a 4.8 mm cavity length was epilayer down bonded to a diamond submount and exhibits 2.5 W maximum output power with a wall plug efficiency of 12.5% at room temperature in continuous wave operation. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Study on the effects of minority carrier leakage in InAsSb/InPAsSb double heterostructure
B. Lane, D. Wu, H.J. Yi, J. Diaz, A. Rybaltowski, S. Kim, M. Erdtmann, H. Jeon and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 70 (11)-- April 17, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
InAsxSb1−x/InP1−x−yAsxSby double heterostructures have been grown on InAs substrates by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The minority carrier leakage to the cladding layers was studied with photoluminescence measurements on the InAsSb/InPAsSb double heterostructures. A carrier leakage model is used to extract parameters related to the leakage current (diffusion-coefficient and length) from experimental results. Using the obtained parameters, the temperature dependence of the threshold current density of InAsSb/InPAsSb double heterostructure lasers is predicted and compared with experimental results. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Passivation of type-II InAs/GaSb double heterostructure
P.Y. Delaunay, A. Hood, B.M. Nguyen, D. Hoffman, Y. Wei, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, No. 9, p. 091112-1-- August 27, 2007 ...[Visit Journal]
Focal plane array fabrication requires a well passivated material that is resistant to aggressive processes. The authors report on the ability of type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice heterodiodes to be more resilient than homojunctions diodes in improving sidewall resistivity through the use of various passivation techniques. The heterostructure consisting of two wide band gap (5 µm) superlattice contacts and a low band gap active region (11 µm) exhibits an R0A averaging of 13·Ω cm2. The devices passivated with SiO2, Na2S and SiO2 or polyimide did not degrade compared to the unpassivated sample and the resistivity of the sidewalls increased to 47 kΩ·cm. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  High performance mid-wavelength quantum dot infrared photodetectors for focal plane arrays
M. Razeghi, H. Lim, S. Tsao, M. Taguchi, W. Zhang and A.A. Quivy
SPIE Conference, San Diego, CA, Vol. 6297, pp. 62970C-- August 13, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
Quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) have recently emerged as promising candidates for detection in the middle wavelength infrared (MWIR) and long wavelength infrared (LWIR) ranges. Here, we report our recent results for mid-wavelength QDIPs grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Three monolayer of In0.68Ga0.32As self-assembled via the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode and formed lens-shaped InGaAs quantum dots with a density around 3×1010 cm-2. The peak responsivity at 77 K was measured to be 3.4 A/W at a bias of -1.9 V with 4.7 µm peak detection wavelength. Focal plane arrays (FPAs) based on these devices have been developed. The preliminary result of FPA imaging is presented. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Reliability of Aluminum-Free 808 nm High-Power Laser Diodes with Uncoated Mirrors
I. Eliashevich, J. Diaz, H. Yi, L. Wang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 66 (23)-- June 5, 1995 ...[Visit Journal]
The reliability of uncoated InGaAsP/GaAs high‐power diode lasers emitting at 808 nm wavelength has been studied. 47 W of quasicontinuous wave output power (pulse width 200 μs, frequency 20 Hz) have been obtained from a 1 cm wide laser bar. A single‐stripe diode without mirror coating has been life tested at 40 °C for emitting power of 800 mW continuous wave (cw) and showed no noticeable degradation and no change of the lasing wavelength after 6000 h of operation. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Chemical lift-off and direct wafer bonding of GaN/InGaN P-I-N structures grown on ZnO
K. Pantzas, D.J. Rogers, P. Bove, V.E. Sandana, F.H. Teherani, Y. El Gmili, M. Molinari, G. Patriarche, L. Largeau, O. Mauguin, S. Suresh, P.L. Voss, M. Razeghi, A. Ougazzaden
Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 435, Pages 105-109-- November 7, 2015 ...[Visit Journal]
p-GaN/i-InGaN/n-GaN (PIN) structures were grown epitaxially on ZnO-buffered c-sapphire substrates by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy using the industry standard ammonia precursor for nitrogen. Scanning electron microscopy revealed continuous layers with a smooth interface between GaN and ZnO and no evidence of ZnO back-etching. Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy revealed a peak indium content of just under 5at% in the active layers. The PIN structure was lifted off the sapphire by selectively etching away the ZnO buffer in an acid and then direct bonded onto a glass substrate. Detailed high resolution transmission electron microscopy and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction studies revealed that the structural quality of the PIN structures was preserved during the transfer process. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Strain-Induced Metastable Phase Stabilization in Ga2O3 Thin Films
Yaobin Xu, Ji-hyeon Park, Zhenpeng Yao, Christopher Wolverton, Manijeh Razeghi, Jinsong Wu, and Vinayak P. Dravid
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces-- January 10, 2019 ...[Visit Journal]
It is well known that metastable and transient structures in bulk can be stabilized in thin films via epitaxial strain (heteroepitaxy) and appropriate growth conditions that are often far from equilibrium. However, the mechanism of heteroepitaxy, particularly how the nominally unstable or metastable phase gets stabilized, remains largely unclear. This is especially intriguing for thin film Ga2O3, where multiple crystal phases may exist under varied growth conditions with spatial and dimensional constraints. Herein, the development and distribution of epitaxial strain at the Ga2O3/Al2O3 film-substrate interfaces is revealed down to the atomic resolution along different orientations, with an aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). Just a few layers of metastable α-Ga2O3 structure were found to accommodate the misfit strain in direct contact with the substrate. Following an epitaxial α-Ga2O3 structure of about couple unit cells, several layers (4~5) of transient phase appear as the intermediate structure to release the misfit strain. Subsequent to this transient crystal phase, the nominally unstable κ-Ga2O3 phase is stabilized as the major thin film phase form. We show that the epitaxial strain is gracefully accommodated by rearrangement of the oxygen polyhedra. When the structure is under large compressive strain, Ga3+ ions occupy only the oxygen octahedral sites to form a dense structure. With gradual release of the compressive strain, more and more Ga3+ ions occupy the oxygen tetrahedral sites, leading to volumetric expansion and the phase transformation. The structure of the transition phase is identified by high resolution electron microscopy (HREM) observation, complemented by the density functional theory (DFT) calculations. This study provides insights from the atomic scale and their implications for the design of functional thin film materials using epitaxial engineering.
1.  Solar-blind AlGaN photodiodes with very low cutoff wavelength
D. Walker, V. Kumar, K. Mi, P. Sandvik, P. Kung, X.H. Zhang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 76 (4)-- January 24, 2000 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the fabrication and characterization of AlxGa1–xN photodiodes (x~0.70) grown on sapphire by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The peak responsivity for –5 V bias is 0.11 A/W at 232 nm, corresponding to an internal quantum efficiency greater than 90%. The device response drops four orders of magnitude by 275 nm and remains at low response for the entire near-ultraviolet and visible spectrum. Improvements were made to the device design including a semitransparent Ni/Au contact layer and a GaN:Mg cap layer, which dramatically increased device response by enhancing the carrier collection efficiency. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Gas-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of 8.5 μm Quantum Cascade Laser
S. Slivken, C. Jelen, A. Rybaltowski, J. Diaz and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 71 (18)-- November 1, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate preliminary results for an 8.5 μm laser emission from quantum cascade lasers grown in a single step by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy. 70 mW peak power per two facets is recorded for all devices tested at 79 K with 1 μs pulses at 200 Hz. For a 3 mm cavity length, lasing persists up to 270 K with a T0 of 180 K. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  High-speed short wavelength infrared heterojunction phototransistors based on type II superlattices
Jiakai Li; Arash Dehzangi; Donghai Wu; Manijeh Razeghi
Proc. SPIE 11288, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVII, 1128813-- January 31, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
A two terminal short wavelength infrared heterojunction phototransistors based on type-II InAs/AlSb/GaSb on GaSb substrate are designed fabricated and presented. With the base thickness of 40 nm, the device exhibited 100% cut-off wavelengths of ~2.3 μm at 300K. The saturated peak responsivity value is of 325.5 A/W at 300K, under front-side illumination without any anti-reflection coating. A saturated optical gain at 300K was 215 a saturated dark current shot noise limited specific detectivity of 4.9×1011 cm·Hz½/W at 300 K was measured. Similar heterojunction phototransistor structure was grown and fabricated with different method of processing for high speed testing. For 80 μm diameter circular diode size under 20 V applied reverse bias, a −3 dB cut-off frequency of 1.0 GHz was achieved, which showed the potential of type-II superlattice based heterojunction phototransistors to be used for high speed detection. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Thermal stability of GaN thin films grown on (0001) Al2O3, (0112) Al2O3 and (0001)Si 6H-SiC substrates
C.J. Sun, P. Kung, A. Saxler, H. Ohsato, E. Bigan, M. Razeghi, and D.K. Gaskill
Journal of Applied Physics 76 (1)-- July 1, 1994 ...[Visit Journal]
Single crystals of GaN were grown on (0001), (0112) Al2O3 and (0001)Si 6H‐SiC substrates using an atmospheric pressure metalorganic chemical‐vapor‐deposition reactor. The relationship has been studied between the thermal stability of the GaN films and the substrate’s surface polarity. It appeared that the N‐terminated (0001) GaN surface grown on (0001)Si 6H‐SiC has the most stable surface, followed by the nonpolar (1120) GaN surface grown on (0112) Al2O3, while the Ga‐terminated (0001) GaN surface grown on (0001) Al2O3 has the least stable surface. This is explained with the difference in the atomic configuration of each of these surfaces which induces a difference in their thermal decomposition. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Improved performance of quantum cascade lasers through a scalable, manufacturable epitaxial-side-down mounting process
A. Tsekoun, R. Go, M. Pushkarsky, M. Razeghi, and C. Kumar N. Patel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (13)-- March 26, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
We report substantially improved performance of high-power quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) by using epitaxial-side-down mounting that provides superior heat dissipation properties. We used aluminum nitride as the heatsink material and gold–tin eutectic solder. We have obtained continuous wave power output of 450 mW at 20°C from mid-IR QCLs. The improved thermal management achieved with epitaxial-side-down mounting combined with a highly manufacturable and scalable assembly process should permit incorporation of mid-IR QCLs in reliable instrumentation.
1.  High power operation of λ ∼ 5.2–11 μm strain balanced quantum cascade lasers based on the same material composition
N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 071106 (2014)-- August 20, 2014 ...[Visit Journal]
A technique based on composite quantum wells for design and growth of strain balanced Al0.63In0.37As/Ga0.35In0.65As/Ga0.47In0.53As quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), emitting in 5.2–11 μm wavelength range, is reported. The strained Al0.63In0.37As provides good electron confinement at all wavelengths, and strain balancing can be achieved through composite wells of Ga0.35In0.65As/Ga0.47In0.53As for different wavelength. The use of these fixed composition materials can avoid the need for frequent calibration of a MBE reactor to grow active regions with different strain levels for different wavelengths. Experimental results for QCLs emitting at 5.2, 6.7, 8.2, 9.1, and 11 μm exhibit good wall plug efficiencies and power across the whole wavelength range. It is shown that the emission wavelength can be predictably changed using the same design template. These lasers are also compatible with a heterogeneous broadband active region, consisting of multiple QCL cores, which can be produced in a single growth run. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Novel process for direct bonding of GaN onto glass substrates using sacrificial ZnO template layers to chemically lift-off GaN from c-sapphire
Rogers, D. J.; Ougazzaden, A.; Sandana, V. E.; Moudakir, T.; Ahaitouf, A.; Teherani, F. Hosseini; Gautier, S.; Goubert, L.; Davidson, I. A.; Prior, K. A.; McClintock, R. P.; Bove, P.; Drouhin, H.-J.; Razeghi, M.
Proc. SPIE 8263, Oxide-based Materials and Devices III, 82630R (February 9, 2012)-- February 9, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
GaN was grown on ZnO-buffered c-sapphire (c-Al2O3) substrates by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy. The ZnO then served as a sacrificial release layer, allowing chemical lift-off of the GaN from the c-Al2O3 substrate via selective wet etching of the ZnO. The GaN was subsequently direct-wafer-bonded onto a glass substrate. X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray microanalysis, Room Temperature Photoluminescence & optical microscopy confirmed bonding of several mm2 of crack-free wurtzite GaN films onto a soda lime glass microscope slide with no obvious deterioration of the GaN morphology. Using such an approach, InGaN based devices can be lifted-off expensive single crystal substrates and bonded onto supports with a better cost-performance profile. Moreover, the approach offers the possibility of reclaiming and reusing the substrate. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Investigation of surface leakage reduction for small pitch shortwave infrared photodetectors
Arash Dehzangi, Quentin Durlin, Donghai Wu, Ryan McClintock, Manijeh Razeghi
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 34(6), 06LT01-- May 25, 2019 ...[Visit Journal]
Different passivation techniques are investigated for reducing leakage current in small pixel (down to 9 μm) heterostructure photodetectors designed for the short-wavelength infrared range. Process evaluation test chips were fabricated using the same process as for focal plane arrays. Arrays of small photodetectors were electrically characterized under dark conditions from 150 K to room temperature. In order to evaluate the leakage current, we studied the relation between the inverse of dynamic resistance at −20 mV and zero bias and perimeter over area P/A ratio as the pixel size is scaled down. At 150 K, leakage current arising from the perimeter dominates while bulk leakage dominates at room temperature. We find that in shortwave devices directly underfilling hybridized devices with a thermoset epoxy resin without first doing any additional passivation/protection after etching gives the lowest leakage with a surface resistance of 4.2 × 109 and 8.9 × 103 Ω· cm−1 at 150 and 300 K, for −20 mV of bias voltage, respectively. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Thin film transistors with wurtzite ZnO channels grown on Si3N4/SiO2/Si (111) substrates by pulsed laser deposition
D.J. Rogers; V.E. Sandana; F. Hosseini Teherani; M. Razeghi
Proc. SPIE 7603, Oxide-based Materials and Devices, 760318 (March 02, 2010)-- March 7, 2010 ...[Visit Journal]
Thin Film Transistors (TFT) were made by growing ZnO on Si3N4/SiO2/Si (111) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope studies revealed the ZnO to have a polycrystalline wurtzite structure with a smooth surface, good crystallographic quality and a strong preferential c-axis orientation. Transmission studies in similar ZnO layers on glass substrates showed high transmission over the whole visible spectrum. Electrical measurements of a back gate geometry FET showed an enhancement-mode response with hard saturation, mA range Id and a VON ∼ 0V. When scaled down, such TFTs may be of interest for high frequency applications. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Comparison of the Physical Properties of GaN Thin Films Deposited on (0112) and (0001) Sapphire Substrates
C.J. Sun and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 63 (7)-- August 16, 1993 ...[Visit Journal]
A direct comparison of the physical properties of GaN thin films is made as a function of the choice of substrate orientations. Gallium nitride single crystals were grown on (0001) and (0112) sapphire substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Better crystallinity with fine ridgelike facets is obtained on the (0112) sapphire. Also lower carrier concentration and higher mobilities indicate both lower nitrogen vacancies and less oxygen incorporation on the (0112) sapphire. The results of this study show better physical properties of GaN thin films achieved on (0112) sapphire. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Very Long Wavelength GaAs/GaInP Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors
C. Jelen, S. Slivken, G.J. Brown, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- February 12, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate long wavelength quantum well infrared photodetectors with GaAs quantum wells and GaInP barriers grown using gas-source molecular beam epitaxy. Wafers were grown with varying well widths. The optimum well width was 75 angstrom, which resulted in a detection peak at 13 μm and a cutoff wavelength of 15 μm. Dark current measurements of the samples with 15 μm cutoff wavelength show low dark current densities. The dark current characteristics have been investigated as a function of temperature and electron density in the well and compared to a model which takes into account thermionic emission and thermally assisted tunneling. The model is used to extract a saturation velocity of 1.5 x 105 cm/s for electrons. The photoelectron lifetime before recapture has been deduced from this carrier velocity and photoconductive gain measurements. The lifetime is found to be approximately 5 ps. Preliminary focal plane array imaging is demonstrated. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Comprehensive study of blue and green multi-quantum-well light-emitting diodes grown on conventional and lateral epitaxial overgrowth GaN
C. Bayram, J.L. Pau, R. McClintock and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Vol. 95, p. 307-314-- November 29, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
Growths of blue and green multi-quantum wells (MQWs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are realized on lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO) GaN, and compared with identical structures grown on conventional GaN. Atomic force microscopy is used to confirm the significant reduction of dislocations in the wing region of our LEO samples before active-region growth. Differences between surface morphologies of blue and green MQWs are analyzed. These MQWs are integrated into LEDs. All devices show a blue shift in the electroluminescence (EL) peak and narrowing in EL spectra with increasing injection current, both characteristics attributed to the band-gap renormalization. Green LEDs show a larger EL peak shift and a broader EL spectrum due to larger piezoelectric field and more indium segregation in the MQWs, respectively. Blue LEDs on LEO GaN show a higher performance than those on conventional GaN; however, no performance difference is observed for green LEDs on LEO GaN versus conventional GaN. The performance of the green LEDs is shown to be primarily limited by the active layer growth quality. [reprint (PDF)]
1.   Emerging materials for photonics
Miriam S. Vitiello, and Manijeh Razeghi
APL Materials 5, 03510-- March 31, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
Photonics plays a major role in all aspects of human life. It revolutionized science by addressing fundamental scientific questions and by enabling key functions in many interdisciplinary fields spanning from quantum technologies to information andcommunicationscience,andfrombiomedicalresearchtoindustrialprocessmonitoring and life entertainment. [reprint (PDF)]

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