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151. | Technical Program Committee Member ACM NanoCom 2016 New York, NY -- September 28, 2016 [Conference Link] |
152. | Keynote Speaker SPIE Security and Defense Europe Edinburgh, UK -- September 26, 2016 [Conference Link] |
153. | Keynote Speaker, "New frontiers in quantum cascade lasers: high power solid-state frequency comb and terahertz sources at room temperature" SPIE Security and Defense Europe Edinburgh, UK -- September 26, 2016 [Conference Link] |
154. | Plenary Speaker, "Czochralski: A Crystal Growth Method for All Seasons" E-MRS Fall Meeting 2016 Warsaw, Poland -- September 19, 2016 [Conference Link] |
155. | Plenary Speaker, MIOMD XIII Beijing, China -- September 18, 2016 [Conference Link] |
156. | Plenary Speaker, "Light, Science and Application for Daily Life" CPPTA - Conference on Photoacustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications Warsaw, Poland -- September 13, 2016 [Conference Link] |
157. | Keynote Speaker, "Recent advances in room temperature, CW, monolithic tunable THZ - QCL sources and frequency Combs" IQCLSW 2016 (International Quantum Laser School & Workshop) Cambridge, UK -- September 4, 2016 [Conference Link] |
158. | Keynote Speaker, "InP based interband and intersubband lasers-diodes; recent advances and future trends" Summer School of our Marie-Curie Network on Photonics (PROMIS) Montpellier, France -- September 4, 2016 [Conference Link] |
159. | Keynote Speaker, "Atomic and gap-engineering of III-V semiconductor for the next generation of infrared imagers" Summer School of our Marie-Curie Network on Photonics (PROMIS) Montpellier, France -- September 4, 2016 [Conference Link] |
160. | Keynote Speaker, "Quantum optoelctronic devices based on III-V semiconductor; recent advances and future trends" Active Photonic Materials VII Conference San Diego, CA. -- August 28, 2016 [Conference Link] |
161. | Keynote Speaker EMN (Energy, Materials, and Nanotechnology) Meeting on Quantum Communication and Quantum Imaging Berlin, Germany -- August 23, 2016 |
162. | Keynote Speaker PIERS-2016 Shanghai, China -- August 8, 2016 [Conference Link] |
163. | Program Committee Member, LACSEA 2016 Heildburg, Germany -- July 25, 2016 [Conference Link] |
164. | Invited Speaker NTTI-NGS Conference Wuerburg, Germany -- July 24, 2016 [Conference Link] |
165. | Keynote Speaker, "High power solid-state frequency comb and terahetz sources at room temperature" International Workshop on Terahertz Science, Nanotechnologies and Applications Erice (Sicily), Italy -- July 16, 2016 [Conference Link] |
166. | Invited Speaker Nanotexnology 2016 Thessaloniki, Greece -- July 2, 2016 [Conference Link] |
167. | Invited Speaker NEF-2016 (New Energy Forum) Kintex, South Korea -- June 30, 2016 [Conference Link] |
168. | Keynote Speaker International Conference on Physics New Orleans, LA. -- June 27, 2016 [Conference Link] |
169. | Invited Speaker Nano 2016 Cape Town, South Africa -- June 21, 2016 [Conference Link] |
170. | Keynote Speaker EMN (Energy, Materials, and Nanotechnology) Prague Meeting Prague, Czech Republic -- June 21, 2016 [Conference Link] |
171. | Invited Speaker Materials & Congress 2016 - Material Science & Engineering Alicante, Spain -- June 13, 2016 [Conference Link] |
172. | Program Committee Member, QSIP 2016 Tel Aviv, Israel -- June 12, 2016 [Conference Link] |
173. | Keynote Speaker, "Recent Advances in III-V Semiconductor Quantum Devices at CQD" EMN (Energy, Materials, and Nanotechnology) Summer Meeting - 2016 Cancun, Mexico -- June 5, 2016 [Conference Link] |
174. | Keynote Speaker, "Recent Advances in Room Temperature, CW, Monolithic Tunable Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Sources" IMS-2016, Workshop on Terahertz Technologies San Francisco, CA. -- May 22, 2016 [Conference Link] |
175. | Invited Speaker EMN (Energy, Materials, and Nanotechnology) Meeting Terahertz 2016 San Sebastian, Spain -- May 14, 2016 [Conference Link] |
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