376. | High Performance QDIP with High Quantum Efficiency and High Operating Temperature Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices (WOCSEMMAD) Savannah, GA -- February 18, 2007 |
377. | Optimization of Mid-Wave Quantum Cascade Lasers for Highly Efficient Operation Efficient Mid-Wave Infrared Lasers (EMIL) Kickoff Meeting, DARPA/ONR Washington, DC -- February 16, 2007 |
378. | Quantum Cascade Lasers Emitting at Wavelengths Shorter than 4 mm SPIE International Photonics West Symposium, Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers VI San Jose, CA -- January 20, 2007 |
379. | Type_II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Focal Plane Arrays for High-Performance Third Generation Infrared Imaging and Free-Space Communications SPIE International Photonics West Symposium, Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits (OEIC) XI San Jose, CA -- January 20, 2007 |
380. | III-Nitride Avalanche Photodiodes SPIE International Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IV San Jose, CA -- January 20, 2007 |
381. | Type-II M Structure Photodiodes: An Alternative Material Design for Mid-Wave to Long Wavelength Infrared Regimes SPIE International Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IV San Jose, CA -- January 20, 2007 |
382. | Techniques for High Quality SiO2 Films SPIE International Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IV San Jose, CA -- January 20, 2007 |
383. | Dry Etching of ZnO Towards the Development of ZnO Homostructure LEDs SPIE International Photonics West Symposium, Zinc Oxide Materials and Devices San Jose, CA -- January 20, 2007 |
384. | Infrared Imaging with self-assembled InGaAs Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors 25th U.S. Army Science Conference Orlando, FL -- November 27, 2006 |
385. | Recent Advances in High Power Mid-and Far-Wavelength Infrared Lasers for Free Space Communication SPIE Optics East Boston, MA -- October 1, 2006 |
386. | Type-II Superlattice Photodetectors for Mid-Wavelength Infrared to Long-Wavelength Infrared Focal Plane Arrays SPIE Optics East Boston, MA -- October 1, 2006 |
387. | Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers at the Center for Quantum Devices CLEO/EQEC Europe Conference Pisa, Italy -- September 10, 2006 |
388. | High Power, High Reliability Quantum Cascade Lasers at the Center for Quantum Devices 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Cascade Lasers Rosa Marina, Ostuni, Italy -- September 5, 2006 |
389. | High Performance Mid-Wavelength Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors for Focal Plane Arrays SPIE Optics and Photonics, Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing XIV Conference San Diego, CA -- August 13, 2006 |
390. | First Demonstration of 10 mm FPAs in InAs/GaSb Superlattices IEEE LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Infrared Sensors, Quebec City, Canada -- July 17, 2006 |
391. | Quantum Sensing Through Nano-Optoelectronics: Inspiration from Nature Invited Seminar at Physics Department, Ecole Normale Cachan, France -- July 13, 2006 |
392. | QWIP vs QDIP QWIP 2006 Conference Sri Lanka -- June 18, 2006 |
393. | High Power, High Reliability Quantum Cascade Lasers at the Center for Quantum Devices Solid State and Diode Laser Technology Review (SSDLTR) Albuquerque, NM -- June 13, 2006 |
394. | Quantum Dots in GaInP/GaInAs/GaAs for Infrared Sensing International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies (CIMTEC) Acireale, Sicily, Italy -- June 4, 2006 |
395. | Long-Wavelength Infrared Focal Plane Arrays based on InGaAs/GaAs/InGaP Quantum-dot Infrared Photodetectors (QDIPs) grown by MOCVD CLEO/QELS Conference Long Beach, CA -- May 21, 2006 |
396. | First Demonstration of 270 nm AlGaN solar-blind p-i-n Avalanche Photodiodes 30th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits (WOCSDICE2006) Fiskebackskil, Sweden -- May 14, 2006 |
397. | Infrared Sensing with Nanostructures: High Sensitivity InGaAs Quantum Dot Photodetectors for Focal Plane Arrays 30th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits (WOCSDICE2006) Fiskebackskil, Sweden -- May 14, 2006 |
398. | Type II Superlattice Infrared Photodetectors for MWIR to VLWIR Focal Plane Arrays SPIE Infrared Technology & Applications Conference Orlando, FL -- April 17, 2006 |
399. | Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays SPIE Infrared Technology & Applications Conference Orlando, FL -- April 17, 2006 |
400. | Quantum Sensing Through Nano-Optoelectronics: Inspiration from Nature Invited Seminar at Kansas State University Manhattan, KS -- March 27, 2006 |