Since its founding in 1992, the Center for Quantum Devices at Northwestern University has evolved from only a mere vision into a concrete world-class research laboratory, with the mission to pursue academic excellence and high-level research in compound semiconductor science and nanotechnology. ...[read more]
The Center for Quantum Devices has a comprehensive facility for solid state research. This Includes semiconductor thin film epitaxial growth, material characterization, material processing and device fabrication, thin film deposition, and device packaging and measurement. The facility occupies a total of 8,000 square feet of laboratory and office space. 3,000 square feet of this total are clean room space in Cook Hall, specifically designed by Professor Razeghi. An additional 3,500 square foot general laboratory space is also available for device testing, and the balance of 1,500 square feet is office space. ...[tour our facilities]
The Center for Quantum Devices is part of the Solid State and Photonics (SSP) thrust operating under the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University in Evanston Illinois. A number of courses, both graduate and undergraduate, are offered by the department and overseen by Professor Razeghi, that relate to the work carried out at the Center for Quantum Devices ...[list of classes offered]
last updated10/30/2013 |
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